Abstract Art
Most of my abstract pieces begin with just the germ of an idea. There is no vision of the end result. The process is very intuitive and improvised; for example, I will challenge myself to make a piece with only one colour, using all of its hues and different textures. Or I will ask myself, “what if I… slice it up, add a circle over here, turn it up-side down, paint on it, glue a CD to it, etc.” The piece eventually reaches a point where it is finished. There are no answers to the “what if I…” question.
As I work on an abstract piece, I pull from my stash everything that might be useful. In the beginning stages there is a great deal of moving things around until something finally clicks–then the real cutting, snipping, sewing, gluing, painting gets underway. There may be another stage of moving things around to achieve harmonious balance followed by the addition of embellishments like beads, sequins, buttons, ribbons. And then: voila! A beautiful, unique piece of art that suits your room, your colours and your space.