Laine Canivet

Fibre Artist in Victoria, BC

News and Updates

  • All Together Now

    Preparing the template for the words “All Together Now” which are featured on a piece that will join a travelling fibre art exhibition on the theme of “On the Bias”.

  • “Diverse Threads” Art Show in Sidney, BC

    A group of nine artists, including me, held our second annual one-week fibre art show and sale in Sidney, BC in November. Come and see us same time next year.

  • Fibre Art Network Exhibit

    Fibre Art Network (FAN) creates a travelling fine art exhibit that travels to galleries for three years. There are always three in circulation at any one time. This is the exhibit called 20/20 Vision on display in Qualicum Beach in October. It has approximately 50 pieces; mine is the purple one.

  • What’s New in September

    Two of my fibre pieces hanging in the BC Ministry of Health art gallery.

  • Piece Accepted into Sooke Fine Arts Show

    Happy news!! A felted piece, called Foothills, was accepted into the prestigious Sooke Fine Arts Show; it’s a virtual show again this year.