Laine Canivet

Fibre Artist in Victoria, BC

News and Updates

  • Commissioned Quilt

    Commission to print, quilt and add texture to my photo taken from a beautiful over-look at sunset.

  • Snow Dye

    With a snow fall comes the opportunity to snow dye. The following photos show how it is done: Prepare the fabric for dyeing then scrunch it up in a ball and put into a colander. Cover with lightweight polyester fabric so dye particles don’t leave spots on the fabric. Cover with several inches of snow. Sprinkle 3 or 4 different colours of powdered fabric dye onto the snow then let the snow slowly melt. Shake out the dyed fabric and see the surprising results.

  • Pieces Juried into Ladysmith Fine Art Show

    Three of my recent pieces were juried into the Ladysmith Fine Art Show. They are now officially designated as “Fine Art”!